todayAugust 14, 2019
todayAugust 14, 2019
todayAugust 14, 2019
todayAugust 14, 2019
todayAugust 14, 2019
It is one of the most talked about events held in Bemidji and your business can be a part of it all by becoming a festival sponsor. You will be supporting an event that brings the community together, provides an economic boost to the region and is fun filled for all ages.
Most importantly, all the proceeds of the event go to benefit the Bemidji community thanks to the Festival Founders: Bemidji Rotary Club and Bemidji Area Chamber of Commerce.
All Bronze Level plus:
All Gold level plus:
*Over $40,000 in advertising is provided by our media sponsors
The earlier you commit the more advertising you receive!
Contact us today!
Ask about sponsorships for the individual events.
Copyright Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival