Official Rules


Cornhole Official Tournament Rules

Each round includes 2 players on opposite teams. 4 bags tossed per player per end, alternating shots with the team last to score points going first. (Odd/even to determine who gets to the choice.) Next round switches to the other end.

  1. Bag In-The-Hole – 3 points
  2. Bag on the Board- 1 point
  3. No “leaners” or Bag over the hole scoring. It’s either in the hole for 3 points or 1 point for being on the board and not in the hole.
  4. Team with most points in the round scores the difference in round points, also referred to as cancellation scoring. For example, if at the end of the round Team A has 9 points and Team B has 6 points, the result of the round will be Team A scoring 3 points.
  5. First team to 21 wins, must win by 2. Winning team advances to next round, losing team is eliminated.
  6. We reserve the right to adjust points required to win prior to a tournament round to accommodate for time available.
  7. Tournament champion(s) win bragging rights and official Lake Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival Cornhole Champion Trophy for both team members.
  8. This is a fundraiser, with emphasis on the “fun”.

