Cornhole Official Tournament Rules
Each round includes 2 players on opposite teams. 4 bags tossed per player per end, alternating shots with the team last to score points going first. (Odd/even to determine who gets to the choice.) Next round switches to the other end.
- Bag In-The-Hole – 3 points
- Bag on the Board- 1 point
- No “leaners” or Bag over the hole scoring. It’s either in the hole for 3 points or 1 point for being on the board and not in the hole.
- Team with most points in the round scores the difference in round points, also referred to as cancellation scoring. For example, if at the end of the round Team A has 9 points and Team B has 6 points, the result of the round will be Team A scoring 3 points.
- First team to 21 wins, must win by 2. Winning team advances to next round, losing team is eliminated.
- We reserve the right to adjust points required to win prior to a tournament round to accommodate for time available.
- Tournament champion(s) win bragging rights and official Lake Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival Cornhole Champion Trophy for both team members.
- This is a fundraiser, with emphasis on the “fun”.